Please find below the full references of the three main editions of the complete works of Diderot since the 19th century.

  • Œuvres complètes de Diderot, Text established by J. Assézat and M. Tourneux, Garnier, 1875-1877, twenty volumes : Online access at BNF Gallica
  • Œuvres complètes, chronological edition with an introduction by Roger Lewinter, Club Français du Livre, Paris, 15 volumes, 1969-1972.
  • Œuvres complètes, Hermann edition (known as DPV, which we present below with the table of works and the table of published and forthcoming texts)

The DPV Edition

The idea of the first scientific and critical edition of Diderot's complete works was born in 1958 when the Bibliothèque Nationale acquired the Vandeul collection. This rich collection of manuscripts from Diderot’s daughter, which had remained almost unexploited, was saved by Herbert Dieckmann, professor at Harvard University. In 1964, a national committee for the edition of Diderot’s works was created, including André Chastel, Herbert Dieckmann, Jean Fabre, René Pomeau, Jean Pommier, Gaëtan Picon, and Jean Seznec. An international team was then formed under the impetus of Herbert Dieckmann and Jean Fabre, bringing together more than sixty specialists, researchers, and academics from France, America, Italy, Germany, Denmark, etc. In 1975, the first three volumes of the Complete Works were published, henceforth referred to as DPV after the founding members of the Publication Committee: Herbert Dieckmann, Jacques Proust, and Jean Varloot.

A new committee composed of Roland Mortier, Bertrand Binoche, Georges Dulac, Gianluigi Goggi, Sergueï Karp, and Didier Kahn has been formed for the following volumes, some of which are still to be published.

The general plan adopted by this edition presents the work in its chronological order, within which some groupings are introduced (ideas, fiction, criticism, fine arts, encyclopedia).

The members of the Publication Committee are currently as follows: Roland Mortier (†), Annie Angremy (†), Thierry Belleguic (Quebec), Bertrand Binoche (Paris), Emmanuel Boussuge (Paris), Georges Dulac (Montpellier), Gianluigi Goggi (Pisa), Didier Kahn (Paris), Sergueï Karp (Moscow), Marie Leca-Tsiomis (Paris), Franck Salaün (Montpellier).

→ Table of Complete Works

→ Table of Published and Unpublished Texts