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2024 Membership
IMPORTANT NOTE: the collection fees for checks in foreign currencies or in Euros domiciled outside of France being too high, this method of payment is no longer accepted.
Membership Dues
- France and European Union: 35 €
- Outside the E.U.: 40 €
- Student or unemployed (please provide proof): 15 €
For institutions and bookshops, contact Honoré Champion/Slatkine 3 rue Corneille, 75006 Paris - moc.noipmahceronoh @rednalgnel
- Check (issued by a French bank only) to Société Diderot, CCP n°. 0162999Y023-90. To the following address: Société Diderot, at Mrs Anouchka VASAK, 2 mail Hélène Brion 93500 Pantin
- Transfer: Contact the treasurer (
- PayPayPal: Payment in Euros or in US and CAD dollars by PayPal (PayPal account required) by clicking on: “Verser de l’argent à la Société Diderot”
Please contact the treasurer for a first membership (